Learn Basic of SEO : Beginner’s Guide

When managing a website, you’ve probably seen the word search engine optimization (SEO). Each day, individuals use the internet to look for information. This implies that search engines such as Google might account for over 50% of your website traffic. So, SEO is important to gain website traffic, you must optimize your search engine optimization and you have learn basic of SEO. Meanwhile, most businesses who attempted it thought it was too time-consuming and saw limited SEO results.

Learn Basic of SEO

However, SEO is not as difficult as it seems. Once you understand the foundations of SEO, you will recognize that it’s all about putting best practices in place to provide search engines and users with the most excellent opportunity of discovering your website. So, if you are wondering how to use SEO effectively, you’ve reached the perfect spot. This basic of SEO guide is made for novice users of SEO.

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization is improving your website to boost your site’s organic visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). SEO is not the same as sponsored search engine advertising. Paid advertising charges search engines such as Google to display your site on the search results page. Instead, with SEO, you optimize your website such that it appears naturally on the top page of search results. The number of people that arrive at your website via these search engine results is called organic traffic since they discovered it on their own.

Why Is SEO Important For Your Website?

Individuals are probably looking for what you do, and ranking for such phrases might help you get consumers. However, you cannot rank without work since others are also attempting to do so. That’s why SEO is essential. It assists Google in seeing that you are deserving of the top spot. Optimizing your pages for search engines improves your total search ranking. Furthermore, SEO aids in your objective of appearing on the full page of your consumers’ searches, resulting in greater traffic to your website and the conversion of leads to clients. I think it is the good start to learn basic of SEO.

What Are The Benefits Of SEO?

Since many individuals click on the top several search results, better rankings generally lead to greater traffic. In contrast to other platforms, search traffic is more steady and passive. This is because the quantity of searches is typically fairly stable from month to month. SEO advantages include:

SEO Increases Traffic

An SEO plan is critical since organic traffic accounts for a substantial portion of search traffic. And organic traffic is the finest website traffic since you do not need to pay to encourage individuals to visit your site. Furthermore, 75% of searchers focus on items on the first page of the SERPs. When your website shows on the top page of a search result for a search, you might get the bulk of hits and traffic.

SEO Traffic Is Steady

When you have a website that ranks highly on Google, you will most probably obtain constant traffic from that page. Websites that rank on the SERPs get constant, passively organic traffic, as opposed to other techniques of traffic collection, such as social networking sites or email campaigns.

SEO Enhances The Customer Experience

SEO used to be straightforward; by cramming a lot of keywords into your site, your content would show in the SERPs. However, it is not a pleasant experience for viewers. You might decide to exit if you have used numerous keywords before completing the post. Luckily, after many Google upgrades, ranking in SERPs now requires more than keywords.

SEO Provides A Significant Return On Investment (ROI)

SEO outperforms other marketing tactics in terms of ROI. The research found that websites that score well in SERPs:

  • Increase a blog’s commercial value by 429%
  • Reduce your client acquisition expenses by 87.41%.
  • Earn $12.20 in income for every $1 invested in marketing.

How Can You Do SEO?

Once your website is correctly set up for SEO ranking, implementing SEO becomes a lot simpler. Let’s have a look at some options.

1. Keyword Research And Keyword Targeting

Keywords are very crucial in SEO. A keyword is the core subject of your post and is what allows readers to locate your content when they do an internet search for a topic they’re interested in. A keyword is simply what an individual would put into a search engine while looking for anything. This is why you must ensure that your term matches the search query of your intended audience.

Furthermore, the targeted term’s search volume and ranking complexity should be considered. The search volume reflects how frequently people look for this specific term. A more extensive search volume indicates that this subject is more popular. In contrast, the rank complexity reflects how tough it will be to rank in search engine results.

2. Content Creation

If you want to rank high on Google, you must create high-quality content that people want to view. Whenever it refers to SEO, there are several ranking elements that Google considers when ranking a website. But having the quickest or most excellent website structure won’t matter if visitors can not locate what they are searching for on your website.

If you can give customers whatever they want, they will probably remain on your site longer. They might view other pages, return to your website, or even buy something. These are signs to Google’s algorithms that your site is helpful to its viewers; therefore, providing excellent content may assist you in ranking higher.

3. On-page SEO

On-page SEO criteria are all of the aspects of your website over which you have complete control. Numerous individuals regard technical SEO as an extension of on-page SEO. As you may expect, content production is an essential aspect of on-page SEO. On-page SEO, on the other hand, involves optimizing sites for particular keywords to boost search visibility and generate helpful content that effectively satisfies a user’s inquiry. Since search engines cannot see, supplying information to assist search engine robots in arranging and comprehending your content’s context and meaning is an essential aspect of on-page SEO.

4. Link Building

If the post you’re working on is connected to the one you have previously written, link to it. Providing links to other articles and web pages on your site is an excellent idea. This improves the user experience by assisting the user in discovering similar information and navigating to other pages on your website, as well as helping bots in generalizing and indexing your websites.

5. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of enhancing the structure of your website so that crawlers from search engines can readily access and index it. Technical SEO is thus named since it exclusively works with the backend. Individuals will not notice what you’re doing for technical SEO, but search engines will undoubtedly benefit from your initiatives.

How To Track And Measure SEO Results?

Several everyday actions might help you achieve SEO success. But how can you assess your achievements to determine where to focus your efforts? It can only be discovered by independently monitoring performance for every SEO statistic and analyzing overall SEO development.

Track Organic Traffic

The first and most basic technique to assess SEO effectiveness is tracking your website’s organic visitors using Google Analytics. The number of visitors that come to your site through search engines indicates the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Keyword Ranking

A keyword is a phrase that refers to everything that is queried on a search engine. A keyword is one word or phrase that creates a results page on Google or another search engine. To benefit from this statistic, your webpage and its contents must be optimized to appear at the top of search engine results pages for long-tail and specific keywords.

SERP Visibility

Google generates results or a search engine results page for each search (SERP). Search engine exposure is the number of individuals that view your website in search results that the credibility of the SERP elements may influence. However, this measure generally provides a birds-eye perspective of your SEO development.

Click-Through Rate

The proportion of people that landed on your site from the SERP is represented by the click-through rate (CTR). For instance, if your website is shown on a results page a hundred times in a week and ten respondents look at it, your CTR is 10%. Utilize this measure to see how well your meta descriptions and title tags grab readers’ attention.

Bounce Rate

Your bouncing rate is the proportion of people that come to your website but depart without interacting further. If a visitor clicks on more than one webpage, Google Analytics considers the visit an engagement.

Website Credibility Develops Throughout Time

The given attribute of your website indicates how highly a domain will rank. The Authority Score of SEMrush is calculated on a logarithmic range from one to 100, with a larger value indicating more visitors and a higher position. A small estimate might result in lower visitors and ranking. Use domain authority scores to assess your website to your rivals and adjust your SEO approach to outperform them.


Backlinks are among the highest-rated criteria for websites, according to Google. According to one research, 2.2 times fewer backlinks go to the first URLs than to URLs in the second; this is known as a high-volume spike. As a result, backlinks must be on your checklist of statistics to track.

Page Speed

Page speed is a critical factor that influences the majority of the other statistics. This research discovered that increasing your site’s performance from two seconds to one second doubles your bucks per page visit.

Page Time Spent

This effectiveness statistic refers to how successfully your content fits the needs of your users. If a visitor puts a term into Google in search of specific data, an item, or a service and comes on your website and invests a significant amount of time there, it suggests your website fulfilled its goal.

Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate reflects the total effect of your SEO campaign on sales for your company. This is perhaps the most crucial indicator in determining the performance of your website. Finally, you get a website where you can exhibit your goods or services and convert leads into sales.


Basic of SEO Important Factors That Are Directly Related To SEO

Below are the most essential search engine ranking elements you must be aware of and instructions on optimizing your website for better search engine ranks.


  • Website Security (HTTPS) Website security is among the well-known ranking criteria. Websites with SSL configured and HTTPS links get a competitive benefit over non-secure sites.
  • Domain Authority Search engines strive to present the finest possible web pages in their results, and domain reputation is among the elements they consider.
  • Mobile Compatibility Mobile compatibility is another acknowledged element that influences search engine results. A website that isn’t optimized for cell phones will not appear in mobile search results, eliminating the prospect of receiving mobile visitors.
  • Webpage Speed Page speed has long been recognized as a Google ranking component. Google is concerned with speeding up the web and has promoted speedier websites with higher results.
  • User Interface RankBrain is among the signals utilized by the Google ranking algorithm. RankBrain ranks websites depending on user behavior and experience employing machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • Brand Reputation This SEO ranking element has nothing to do with backlinks and everything to do with the necessity of maintaining a solid brand reputation. In this sense, brand reputation is having a collection of users talking about and referencing your product in the internet world.


Basic of SEO is a must if you would like to increase your website’s traffic. Understanding SEO principles is only the initial step in developing SEO expertise. Start putting what you’ve learned into practice and expand your audience. You will undoubtedly gain a great deal along the road. Keep in mind that SEO requires time to produce results. After 2-3 weeks of applying your SEO efforts, you will not see significant improvements. However, if you remain at it and check your performance for several weeks, you will notice improvements.