Posts vs. pages: Really Want To Know Why We Use Posts Instead of Pages in WordPress? [ Detailed Guide]

You may get perplexed when you create a new blog, visit the WordPress dashboard for the first time, and choose to begin writing your first post. Should you make a new post or a new page after start your blogging website? WordPress posts vs. pages, what are their differences?

Posts and pages are not the same things and are distinguished in the admin panel for a purpose. So, before you publish your first post and page, let us teach you when and how to utilize them and why many people prefer posts to pages in WordPress.

What Are WordPress Posts?

Posts generate blog content, articles, and other information on your blog’s home page. They are shown in reverse chronological order, with the most recent content at the start of the list.

If you use WordPress as a blog, you’ll almost certainly utilize posts for most of your website content.
You may add and update your WordPress posts by tapping the ‘Posts’ menu item in your dashboard. Because postings are presented in chronological order, your posts should be timely. Your previous posts are stored by month and year.

Moreover, your visitors must work further to locate older content as they age. You have the option of organizing and categorizing your posts.

What Are WordPress Pages?

WordPress pages are static entries that remain on your website indefinitely. However, just because they are static does not imply that they are irreversible. You may still make changes as you see appropriate.

Pages, unlike posts, are not sorted chronologically. Instead, they are frequently featured in your website’s menu.

Common examples of pages include:

  • About page
  • Privacy Policy page
  • Team Page
  • Contact page

You may even have a “Blog” page where all your postings are shown in chronological order.

WordPress makes it very simple to create pages. Go to your dashboard, choose “Pages,” and click “Add New.” Because pages are not intended to be social, they lack social sharing buttons and author information. You may even use your theme to build custom page templates in WordPress.

WordPress Posts vs. Pages: What Are Their Main Differences?

Wordpress Posts Vs. Pages

Posts and pages in WordPress are quite similar, and it may be hard for beginners to tell them apart. Both, for instance, are used to publish content. You may add both forms, images, texts, and other elements.

Despite their similarities, they are distinguished by a few key variances. Let’s focus on the most important ones so you can tell them apart:

1. Timeliness

One of the primary differences between WordPress posts vs. pages is that posts are current, but pages are timeless. In other words, pages are utilized for content that rarely changes, such as company data. Of course, you may alter this information as needed.

Posts, on the other hand, have a date of publication. The date assists search engines and users in determining the relevance of the information in the post.

2. Organization

The organization of a website’s content significantly impacts how content is viewed and consumed. This is yet another distinction between posts and pages.

Taxonomies are used to arrange posts. This means you may use tags and categories to group related information to make it simpler for your viewers to find.

Pages, on the other hand, are hierarchical. You may arrange them according to the priority you assign to each page. You may do this by categorizing pages as kid and parent pages.

3. Date and Author Attribution

You’ll note that most postings include author attribution and publication date. These are not found on pages.

4. Social Engagement

Posts were explicitly designed to increase engagement with your audience. One reason is that postings include a comments area by default, which you may eliminate if you like. Another reason is that most themes have built-in social sharing icons that allow your readers to share the content they like with their networks easily.

5. RSS Feed Syndication

Another noticeable difference between WordPress posts vs. pages is RSS feed syndication. Posts may be added to an RSS feed, but Pages cannot.

While WordPress is a user-friendly platform for beginners, building a website for the first time might be intimidating. For example, differentiating between pages and posts may not be easy.

We hope you understand the difference between WordPress posts vs. pages discussed above. So, go ahead and enhance the rating of your website.