What is ChatGPT? How Can It Help a Blogger?


What is ChatGPT? Is it a tool that bloggers can use or is it meant to replace them? Just this year, ChatGPT blew up, making millions – if not billions – of creators, writers, and social media influencers curious and interested as to what it can offer.

In this guide, not only are we going to dive deep into the abyss of what ChatGPT is, but we will also give you a complete run-through of how it can help bloggers and content writers with their workload!

We’ll be covering the following in this guide:

  • Explanation and Identification of ChatGPT
  • Background and History of ChatGPT
  • Overall Features and Functions of ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT vs. Alternative AI Chatbot
  • Pros and Cons of ChatGPT
  • How ChatGPT Can Help Bloggers and Content Writers

What is ChatGPT?

Many argue that it’s the future of content creation and that it’s going to replace the current manpower in the digital field. Others, on the other hand, consider it as an all-inclusive tool that would aid them in their careers and professions.

We’ll answer that in the latter part of this guide as we surf through what it is, what its features are, its benefits, and many others more! So, what is this ChatGPT?

The term alone is scary – scary in terms of what it can do, but ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. In case you didn’t know, OpenAI is one of the best and leading research organizations in the field of this type of technology.

With their years of research, they were able to develop a state-of-the-art language model that has been designed to process natural language and generate human-like responses to written prompts or spoken inputs.

Understanding GPT-3.5

This cutting-edge and futuristic tool is run and powered by a sophisticated deep learning architecture known as GPT-3.5.

It’s a model that uses deep learning to generate, give, and provide responses to inquiries that it is to be given. GPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. Furthermore, the tool is trained on a series of text and code that spans from the start of time to the last quarter of 2021 – this is the reason why newer information might be inaccessible or inaccurate for this model.

Thanks to GPT-3.5, ChatGPT is working and is able to interpret, analyze, and even resolve data at levels you never have imagined.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

Personally, I thought I need deep AI knowledge and programming skills to use it, but when I first saw it, I was intrigued. ChatGPT works just like how a regular search engine does – you type in a query, concern, or a question, and it will use all resources it’s trained on to give you whatever you’re looking for.

Chatgpt Work

There are prompts or specific ways of inputting query that could enhance your chances and unleash the inner efficiency and effectivity of the tool, such as:

  • Kindly create and generate prompts for AI art
  • Discover the flaw in this code snippet
  • Summarize a book for my report
  • Kindly take this job description and use it to write a business letter
  • Write an email that would sell my product
  • And many more

Other than those prompts, you can also make use of specific adjectives to set the tone of the results that the model will give you. For instance, I’ve mostly used “make it professional and straightforward, but not boring,” “make it witty and as if it’s told by a 38-year-old American,” “use jokes but be formal,” and others.

What is ChatGPT? Features and Functionalities

By now, you should be looking at ChatGPT as a totally advanced and intelligent tool that you can use for your benefit. But what does it concretely help you with? How can you leverage it?

I, myself, was asking the same set of questions when I first started with it. It was later on when I discovered some of the “real” and “tangible” things you can use this AI content creation tool for. As a language model, here are the features and functionalities of ChatGPT:


Probably the most mind-blowing feature and functionality ChatGPT has is that it’s capable of writing code. Well, in today’s time, almost everything we see on our laptops, computers, and mobile devices are made up of binary combinations and code, making it possible for ChatGPT to create content using it.

Create Marketing Content (Copywriting Content)

You can also take advantage of its intelligence and create marketing content. And by marketing content, I mean everything from social media copies and captions, landing page headlines, plan content, and even generate a series of carousels and content you can use!

This was one of the best features it had. I tried it and I didn’t even have to think about what content I’ll use! It generated content based on the input I gave!

Perform Keyword Research

Yes, you read that right. ChatGPT can also be your best friend if you’re trying to plan and research keywords for your blog, website, or even social media profile.

Just make sure that you double-check the keywords that it’ll generate because it might not be as accurate as you want them to be. Personally, I use it to generate long-tail keywords that are adjacent and related to the keyword I am targeting.

What this does is give me the closest keywords. I usually prompt it to generate 10 to 20 keywords and I’ll check them one-by-one – 8 times out of 10, they’re essential and relevant.

Translate Content

As a language model, ChatGPT is not a stranger to translating content. It’s powered by multiple languages that you can take advantage of if you want to translate a few pieces of content.

You can prompt the model to translate a specific phrase, sentence, or even a paragraph for better and higher accuracy. I tried giving it a full 1000-word article and there were a couple of inaccurate translations.

CreateRecipes and Processes

Other than content creators, webmasters, and social media influencers, ChatGPT is also an effective tool for cooks and chefs. If you’re having trouble looking for a recipe or if you want it to generate a random recipe that’s good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it can help you!

I prompted it to make us a midnight snack and it gave me peanut butter and banana toast!

ProvideGeneral Research

Research is probably one of the most common uses of ChatGPT as the model is loaded with the right resources and steps to skim through data before the end of 2021. You can prompt it to do research for you in many different ways!

I tried its research capabilities by asking the differences between Grammarly Free and Grammarly Premium and it listed their similarities and differences!

Summarize Books, Websites, Movies, and Stories

If you want to find out and learn about a book but you don’t have time, or if you’re trying to catch up with a movie you’ll watch soon, you can use ChatGPT and prompt it to summarize a book, a website, a movie, or even a story for you.

Enter the type of summary you’re looking for, whether you want the summary to be for the entire book or if you want to do it chapter-by-chapter, you can prompt it!

Create Fictional Stories

Last but most definitely not least is to create fictional stories. This is probably the most abstract one that will showcase the intelligence of this model. When creating fictional stories, put in as much detail as you can to help the model generate and write the piece you’re looking for.

Include things like:

  • The number of main characters
  • Storyline
  • Plot
  • Additional scenes and encounters
  • Obstacles and hurdles by the protagonist
  • Goal and conclusion

NOTE: It will generate the names so you don’t really have to think about them deeply!

How Can ChatGPT Help Bloggers and Content Writers?

Now, this is the part where most of you will come by!

Like many of you, I also wanted to find out the truth behind how it’s able to assist and aid writers and content creators with their work. Since it’s an OpenAI API language model (built for AI content creation), to what extent can it assist and help people in this field?

Idea Generation

In the simplest sense, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for bloggers and content writers as it can help generate new ideas, provide suggestions for relevant content, and assist with content creation and optimization. Try prompting it with something along the lines of “include keywords and close LSIs for better optimization,” and it will give you a comprehensive list.

One of the key benefits of ChatGPT is its ability to auto-generate content ideas. By providing a simple prompt, ChatGPT can generate a range of relevant and engaging content ideas in a matter of seconds. What this does is save content creators, writers, and bloggers countless hours in brainstorming and coming up with ideas.

Writing Assistance

Besides generating content ideas, you can also use ChatGPT for assistance in writing. It can help in many different ways, such as:

  • Create an outline for a blog post or an article
  • Give a few anecdotes to shorten the research time
  • Improve a given paragraph for it to become more optimized and SEO-friendly
  • And many more!

The language model is one-of-a-kind as it’s capable of scanning through millions of pages at a time without backing down!

Optimization Improvement

Last but most definitely not least is that you can use it to analyze existing content and text, and then identify areas you can improve. You can prompt it to make suggestions based on given content and it’ll give you a few pointers and factors to consider with whatever the content is.

Be specific, though, as it is an AI language model! I tried prompting it by asking if it’s capable of analyzing a page for optimization, and it told me that it could – but only to a certain extent.

Can ChatGPT Write Long-Form Content?

Let me clarify this once and for all – it can’t. You can prompt it to write an essay for you that is 1,500-words long – but the quality of the content wouldn’t be great. It will appear repetitive and sometimes even bad, depending on what you’re looking for.

I tried asking it for a 1,000-word article about ChatGPT and it went on to write. However, there were missing points, emotions, personalities, and even factors that would make it rank. I personally gave it a 4 out of 10 with a lot of room for improvement.

Pros of Using ChatGPTFor Content Writing

The language model was made for content writing to be easier and less hectic. So, there would really be advantages and benefits when it comes to content writing and/or content creation. Out of the hundreds you could think of, the following are what’s considered the top advantages of using ChatGPT for content writing:

  • It can help you generate text faster, more urgently, and more efficiently than regular humans
  • You’ll not be short of ideas – you can use it for brainstorming and researching purposes
  • It’s versatile and flexible – it’s not limited to a single niche
  • ChatGPT has been tested multiple times to ensure quality and quantity alike
  • It has the capacity to write code, even to analyze existing content and code
  • ChatGPT learns from previous interactions

Cons of Using ChatGPTFor Content Writing

As much as we see it as an all-in-one, one-stop-shop tool, there are drawbacks and limitations to using it, especially for writing and creating content. So, here are some of the known cons and disadvantages of ChatGPT in the likes of content writing.

  • It has limited creativity as it’s not very creative if you plan on generating out-of-context and creative content
  • ChatGPT requires even the most basic and simplest human context. It is prone to misunderstanding especially if not prompted correctly
  • It relies on the information you input. It’s not an all-intelligent system that “knows” everything all at once.
  • Inaccuracy, by far, has been its trait that needs the most work on. Content written by ChatGPT may pass plagiarism tools, but not AI tools.

What do we concur from the list of its pros and cons? Easy – the more specific you are with it and the better you know its prompts, the higher quality the results will be. High-quality content will always be objective and for writers and content creators like us, we need to understand it more and better.

ChatGPT vs. Alternative AI Models

Nowadays, the birth of ChatGPT spawned multiple other AI language models in the scene, causing many people to be frantic about what to choose and where to go. ChatGPT remains one of the best free (but can also be paid) models out there – but what about its competitors?

As researchers in the field, the team and I went through some of these and listed other AI models you can leverage and take advantage of:

Perplexity AI – Best Alternative For Research

If you’re looking for an assistant in research and you don’t find ChatGPT that inclusive, you would want to try out Perplexity AI. This model has also been trained on OpenAI’s API but with a twist – it gives out information with the cites sourced.

Moreover, unlike ChatGPT, it doesn’t get confused as it goes straight to the point! I personally haven’t tried it but a team member said that it was able to give a full research in less than 5 minutes.

Rytr – Best Alternative For Writing

ChatGPT is not meant for article writing. In fact, I tried asking it to generate a 2000-word article and it said it can’t.  And although you can construct and structure it piece-by-piece, that might not be the most ideal.

If you yearn for a good program or model for writing, Rytr would be your best bet. It’s this all-in-one content generation model that uses a combination of different tonalities and cases depending on the specific copy you’re looking for.

What’s even better is that it has a built-in SEO analyzer, too!

Tome – Best Alternative For School

For school and academic purposes, lastly, would be Tome. It’s a great program for people who are looking to create presentations, studying, and presenting ideas. It’s like a behemoth Powerpoint tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to enhance and fully improve your work.

The program uses 3D rendering, live content, as well as video recording as additives to whatever you’re planning to generate.

These are a few of the best alternatives to ChatGPT for every aspect. Take note, though, that these doesn’t mean ChatGPT is bad – there are just other models that are engineered and tested to perform better in other areas.

Can ChatGPT Replace SEO?

One of the most common queries and questions I read is about ChatGPT replacing SEO agencies. Well, the quick and easy answer is no – it cannot. AI will NEVER be able to replace the human touch, unless a programmer is brilliant enough to inculcate that.

AI is known to write, generate, and create text based on the input and the information it was trained on – but never will it be able to give out proper tonality, voice, and even emphasis 100% of the time.

In case you forgot, inaccuracy has been one of the hurdles of AI in becoming the all-in-one tool that people can use!

Is ChatGPT Content Bad For SEO?

Yes and no – let me explain.

We say that ChatGPT is an all effective tool for SEO writers and content writers because of the fact that it can help out generate ideas for writers. This saves time and most importantly, effort in finding what’s good or not good.

It is bad because ChatGPT, like most other language models and AI, lacks creativity and mostly writes repetitively. Search Engine Land, says that ChatGPT and other language models would usually lack E-E-A-T, short for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

These four are the pillars of high-quality content that has been continuously emphasized by Google and other search engines.

To say that ChatGPT is good or bad is inconsistent information. It will all depend on how you use it and how well it’s prompted.


In case you’re still clouded with questions and if you’re still on the hunt for the truth, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about it ChatGPT and all adjacent data to it:

Is ChatGPT Good For Blogging?

Yes, it’s good for blogging and for writing text with available information at hand. If you are blogging with a target to be on the first page of Google, however, it is not the best tool to use as ChatGPT writes based on past information and the input you give it.

Can ChatGPT Be Detected?

Yes, ChatGPT can actually be detected. There are AI detection software available. It can be used by organizations and people to see if the content has been generated using AI or a language model.

Can I Use ChatGPT to Write Articles?

Yes and no – let me explain. I say yes because ChatGPT is actually an excellent writing tool. It can write simple, plain text to comprehensive ones based on what you give it. On the other end of the rope, it’s not a good tool if you have targets. For instance, it would not be effective if you ask it to write and compose articles that are high-quality or great because of repetitiveness, lack of emotion and personality, and inconsistency – still, the human touch is the best!

What’s the Use of ChatGPT in Research?

ChatGPT is like a ready and prepared library of literature and compositions from various sources and industries. Many use it as their all-in-one tool to search for scientific, mathematical, and even historical literature related to whatever you’re looking for. It can pull information from anything before Q4 2021.


In case you were asking what is ChatGPT and how can it help bloggers with their work, here are your answers! It is not the “perfect” tool that can give you 100% of your time back, but it’s definitely an effective program that can assist you with whatever your projects are.