SEO Trends: That Will Impact Your Website Ranking in 2023

Seo Trends In 2023

As we go farther into the digital world, having a solid online presence becomes more crucial for businesses. A solid SEO strategy is one of the most important factors in this. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the method of optimizing a website for Google’s search algorithm, including technical SEO having a significant influence on user experience, crawlability, and CTR (click-through rate).

SEO aims to appear higher in Google search results for relevant keywords. So we have to follow SEO Trends according to our website requirements and we almost included all the important factors in this SEO trends list that will really help to boost your website.

The main issue is that Google’s algorithm is continuously changing, with changes and adjustments happening up to 600 times yearly so SEO Trends change time to time. Google is always looking for innovative methods to enhance its search results. As Google’s algorithm evolves, SEO practitioners need help altering their techniques.
Without further ado, we’ve compiled a list of the top SEO trends to consider while optimizing your website for increased rankings and traffic.

1. Voice Search

71 Percent Of Customers Prefer To Do A Voice Search

It wouldn’t be a complete list of the top SEO trends for 2023 if we didn’t begin with the most important of all: voice search. Voice-activated search assistants, such as Cortana, Alexa, and Siri, have grown in popularity in recent years, and this trend is projected to continue. 71% of customers prefer to do a voice search rather than write a query. So we can say the voice search come on top in the SEO trends list.

As more people use these solutions, companies must optimize their content for voice search. This includes using long-tail keywords and natural language, as well as arranging information in a manner that search engines can comprehend. Think in terms of the way people communicate when developing your content structure, like “What is digital marketing?” instead of “digital marketing info.”

2. Local SEO

Optimizing your website for local search will be one of the most significant SEO methods in 2023 and this is also a important point in SEO trends list. With the development of mobile search, many people are seeking companies nearby. For instance, 76% of individuals who run a local search on their mobile phone visit the company they identified within 24 hours, according to Google!

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, local SEO is more crucial than ever, as customers are looking for companies that are close by. You can optimize your website for search results in various ways, like claiming your Google Business Profile listing, using local keywords in your content, and optimizing your website for mobile.

Moreover, it’s important to note that local SEO methods vary differently based on your area, target demographic, and kind of company, so do your research and customize your plan appropriately. Working with a digital marketing business specializing in local SEO is a beautiful place to start if you need help figuring out where to begin.

3. Mobile-First Indexing

75 Percent Of Online Customers Will Be Mobile By 2025

As we already discussed above two important topics that have much importance in SEO trends list. But Mobile-first indexing is search engine indexing that prioritizes mobile-friendly websites and play a important role in SEO trends and we can say SEO trends list is not complete without adding mobile first-indexing in it. This implies that if your website is developed with mobile users in mind, your search engine rating will certainly improve.

This trend is expected to continue in 2023 as more individuals utilize mobile devices to connect to the internet. Indeed, it is predicted that by 2025, more than 75% of online customers will be mobile.

To guarantee that your website is ready for mobile-first indexing, it must have a responsive design that is easy to access and browse on all sorts of devices. Consider utilizing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to increase the loading performance of your website on mobile devices.

Finally, ensure your website is developed with mobile optimization, focusing on easy-to-use functions and a user-friendly layout. Before launching your website, test it on all sorts of devices to guarantee it gives the best possible user experience on every size screen.

4. Image Optimization for SEO

Image Optimization For Seo

Graphics and pictures are important components of any website. They help in breaking up material and keeping viewers’ attention. However, the files get bigger when picture quality increases, decreasing the server’s loading speed. Image optimization comes into play here.

Image optimization should be a common technique for all SEO specialists, yet it is seldom used. This strategy mostly applies to optimizing images for the web by lowering image size while maintaining image quality. Faster loading speed, greater SEO ranks, and more website traffic are all advantages of image optimization.

Unbounce reports that 70% of shoppers say page speed influences their desire to purchase from an online business. As a result, image optimization is an important step in web design and increasing user experience.

Accessibility and optimization go beyond merely lowering the size of a picture using compression techniques. Technical SEO may also be used, whether it is done before the picture is posted or after it is published. This will be beneficial as image searches become more prominent in the future. Image searches are very popular for online buying.


  • Compress images when uploading
  • Use alt text
  • Rename images using relevant keywords
  • Use lazy loading
  • Consider image format
  • For smaller sizes, JPEG provides the best quality.
  • PNG is excellent for simpler images.
  • GIFs should only be used for animated images.

5. Online Shopping Optimization

Online Shopping Optimization

The world is undergoing a digital revolution, with an increasing number of jobs being completed online. One of these is online shopping, which had 2.14 billion digital purchasers in 2021. Amazon is still the most popular eCommerce website in the world, followed by Shein and Shopee.

The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a change in how individuals went about their daily lives. People who needed to be more technologically savvy found themselves shopping groceries online, having virtual meetings, and purchasing everything from apparel to kitchenware via websites. This period saw a significant increase in digital purchasing. Before the pandemic, eCommerce sales in the United States were forecast to exceed $1 trillion for the first time in 2022, a level that was only expected in 2024.

Google has capitalized on this by offering its sales platform more appealing. All companies may now sell on Google for free, with no commission paid on product listings.

Furthermore, Google has established a shopping graph to enhance the buyer’s user experience. This AI-enhanced model gathers information on a certain product from various sources, including pricing, benefits, videos, and reviews.

Meanwhile, Google Lens is also used in online shopping, enabling users to input a picture of the item they are searching for directly into the search engine. This allows customers to discover the goods without needing to know their brand or name while also increasing company visibility.


  •  Optimize the keyword in product listings
  •  Use alt text to appear in image searches
  •  Optimize the loading speed of your eCommerce site
  •  Make certain that your website is mobile-friendly

6. TikTok SEO

TikTok is a mobile application that enables users to create 15-second video clips. TikTok eclipsed Instagram as the world’s most popular app for sharing images and videos in 2019. According to a recent analysis, TikTok will have roughly 656 million worldwide users in 2021. This amount was expected to grow by almost 15% year on year, reaching 755 million users in 2022.

With more than 60% of TikTok users being Gen Z, younger people are increasingly turning to TikTok for discovery rather than Google. With so much attention focused on TikTok, it’s no surprise that marketers are paying the note. And with the appropriate technique, you can use the TikTok craze to increase organic search traffic and send leads to your website.

The following are the procedures to take while optimizing your TikTok content for SEO:

1. Use Hashtags

Hashtags (#) are applied to group content into categories. They help users to discover similar content easily. #TikTok, for instance, is a hashtag for all TikTok videos.

You may target terms related to your brand by using hashtags. This makes it simpler for your audience to locate your content when they search for related topics.

2. Use Keywords

Without Keywords we can’t say the SEO trends list is completed.  Keywords are phrases or words that characterize the content of your video. Make sure to incorporate these keywords throughout the description of your video while constructing it.

For example, “#TikTok #ViralVideo” refers to a video about TikTok that includes the keyword “viral video.”

3. Make Videos With Relevant Content

You may also utilize keywords to make videos with information about your topic.
For instance, a fitness channel may produce a video titled “Best Fitness Tips for Beginners,” discussing the best training programs for beginners.

This sort of video is geared toward new users and contains important information.

4. Add Visual Elements

Including visual components such as GIFs and images may help convey a narrative and engage people.
For instance, adding a photo of yourself holding a trophy or playing sports might give your film individuality.

7. Featured Snippets Everywhere

Featured Snippets

We also added Featured Snippets to the SEO trends list. These results boxes frequently show above the top place on the SERP. They are information sections from sources that Google considers most beneficial for the search intent. This may be tables, how-tos, bullet lists, or just one or two phrases.

Passage indexing or ranking is the process of ranking components in the highlighted snippet. These snippets may be influenced by various elements, including the existence of pictures, the relevancy of the h2> tag, the length of the paragraph, and whether or not the anchor text was utilized.

Companies may benefit greatly from being mentioned in these sections. It’s a strategy to boost your organic CTR to 8.6% without having a good page ranking. They are, nonetheless, vital to consider since they raise the number of “no-click” searches. This signifies that the audience didn’t click on any search results since the highlighted snippet supplied all the necessary information.

Before conducting keyword research, examine whether or not the search result has a featured snippet. An answer box appears in 12.29% of search searches, and their existence is known to diminish the number of clicks obtained by other search results.


  • Target long-tail keywords
  • Make detailed material, such as guides and how-tos
  • Keep the user’s goal in mind when generating content
  • Look for content gaps in the “people also asked” areas

Utilize tools like Ahrefs to do keyword research into gaps that will assist you in appearing in featured snippets.


Because of the fast-changing nature of the SEO environment, it may be impossible to forecast which SEO trends will take off and disappear. However, by being up to speed on the newest SEO trends and updates and being prepared to try new tactics, you can guarantee that your website remains ahead of the game and remains to rank well in search results using this SEO trends list.