White Hat Vs Black Hat SEO: 9 Great Techniques You Need to Know About!

White Hat Vs Black Hat Seo

White hat vs black hat SEO – There are 2 main types of SEO marketing techniques. There is “White Hat” and there is “Black Hat”. Black hat SEO or search engine optimization (SEO) page rank manipulations can have huge consequences for your business – whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a local yoga studio, the black-hat technique can be harmful. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what white hats and black hats are as well as the ramifications of each.

1. How important SEO is?

SEO is very important for any kind of business, big or small. Most companies use SEO to get organic traffic without having to pay for ads. It saves them a lot of money as a result.

SEO is also important for increasing conversion rate and helps businesses to convert their visitors into customers, which in turn increases the revenue of any business. It is also important for branding, if your business is well ranked in Google, you will get more visibility and it will boost the brand awareness of your business. With all these positive points, you can easily understand that SEO is very important for any kind of business from a small local business to a big company.

2. What are White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

What Are White Hat And Black Hat Seo

White Hat SEO: White hat SEO is a technique that is used to increase the page rank of your website. The main objective of white hat SEO is to create a natural link profile and use good content to rank higher in search engines.

White hat links are high-quality links from websites with high page rank and PR. These links are safe for your website as they help you to increase the trustworthiness of your website, which Google expects from its users.

White hat SEO is a very long-term technique for which you need to create lots of high-quality content (articles, videos, blog posts) and after that, you need to spread them over the internet using high-quality backlinks. It takes time to rank higher in search results but if you’re consistent and patient, then it will be worth it.

Black Hat SEO: Black hat SEO is a technique used by a few unethical people to manipulate the results in search engines. The main purpose of Blackhat SEO is to artificially inflate your page rank as well as spam the search results. The top page rank in the search engine that gets manipulated or black-hat SEO is not good for a website but it’s good for the black-hat SEO himself and his affiliates.

Black hat techniques do not lead to the desired result in the long term so if you are using them to achieve your goals, then there should be some other motive behind it.

Black hat links are those links on your website from websites that have a low page rank, low PR, and are not safe for your website. These links can get you banned from Google so it is not advisable to use black-hat SEO for ranking your website as it might bring you down in the search results of Google.

3. Comparing and Understanding Black Hat vs White Hat SEO

Comparing And Understanding Black Hat Vs White Hat Seo

Understanding the distinction between White Hat and Black Hat SEO is essential. Black Hat SEO is against the rules of Google and as a result, using this technique will get you penalized for spamming. Black Hat SEO techniques try to trick the search engines to rank higher by using risky techniques such as keyword stuffing and link farms.

White hat SEO techniques are those which comply with Google guidelines. White hat SEO is slower but more reliable than black hat SEO because it is natural and safe for your website in the long run.

Here is everything that you need to know about White Hat vs Black Hat SEO techniques:

1. Black Hat SEO Techniques:

Black hat SEO is an unethical strategy that uses spamming techniques to manipulate search engines to rank higher. It leads to a decrease in the trustworthiness of the website. Black hat SEO techniques over-inflate the rank of your website by using spamming techniques, duplicate content, and link building. Here are some warning signs of black hat SEO, as well as things to avoid and keep in mind while optimizing your websites.

a) Using hidden links and keyword stuffing:

Black hat SEO uses spammy and hidden links to manipulate search engines, which is against the guidelines of Google. A lot of people use hidden links and keyword stuffing to get a better ranking but in reality, this practice will not help them to get a higher ranking but it will get their site penalized by the search engines.

b) Repeating the same content:

Some black hat SEO techniques try to inflate your page rank by repeating the same content on your website. Using duplicate content is against the rules of Google and as a result, your website will be penalized for it. Using duplicate content is considered spammy and unjust, so avoid repeating the same content on your website.

c) Using Low-quality links:

Links are considered the heart of SEO. If you have lots of low-quality links on your website then you will not get a good ranking in search engines because it is considered to be spammy. Using links that are not safe for your website will get you banned from search engines. Many black hat SEO techniques try to get their links from non-relevant websites but those links are not safe for your website.

d) Hidden Text in the Content:

Using hidden text or keyword stuffing to inflate your page rank is not considered lawful for SEO. Using hidden text in the content will get you penalized by the search engines. You should avoid using hidden text and keyword stuffing on your website as it is one of the Black hat SEO techniques.

e) Not Following the Guidelines

Every website needs to follow the guidelines of Google. Black hat SEO hardly follows the guidelines of Google, and that’s why it is considered spammy. For example, if you are using a hidden link on your website then it’s against the rules of Google and as a result, your website will be penalized for using this technique.

f) Comment Spamming:

Comment Spamming is another black hat SEO technique that is against the rules of Google. Using this technique will get your website penalized, and you might be excluded from the search results too. Comment Spamming is used to boost positive traffic for their website, and it can hardly help you to rank well in the search engines as well.

g) Excessively using anchor text:

Excessively using anchor text can make your website vulnerable to spam. Anchor text gets you a low ranking in Google search results. Using this technique will only decrease your ranking in the search engines and will get you penalized for spamming by the search engines.

h) Content Spinning:

Content Spinning is a black hat SEO technique that is against the rules, guidelines, and regulations of Google. Content Spinning uses the same content that you have published on multiple pages on your website, and they completely get copied without any modifications. This makes the content more attractive to search engines, but in reality, it can make your website less trustworthy than before because it is an unethical practice.

i) Cloaking:

Cloaking is a black hat SEO technique that is used by those websites that are not following the guidelines of Google. Cloaking will make it extremely hard to detect or identify the website’s real information. Cloaking is considered spammy and one of the Black Hat SEO techniques. This technique can also get you banned by search engines.

j) Purchasing Links:

Buying links is another black-hat SEO technique. Many websites purchase links to boost the page rank of their website. Links are considered the most essential part of SEO and all websites have to have high PR and high-quality links if they want to get a good ranking in search engines. Buying links is against the rules, guidelines, and regulations of Google. Using this technique will also get your website penalized by Google.

k) Content Scraping

When someone copies your RSS feed—especially if it contains full text—and reposts it on their website, this practice is known as content scraping.

The splogs (spam blogs) produced in this manner are often geared to address a certain subject or keyword.

There is no justification for using this black hat SEO strategy, given that Google penalizes this type of material. Additionally, if you plan to syndicate your material elsewhere to create links, don’t forget to employ canonical links, so Google is aware of the location of the original content.

l) Discreet Redirects

When a resource on your site has changed or been relocated, or when the entire site has migrated to a new domain, redirection is a helpful approach to lead users to the correct page.

Unfortunately, black hat SEO practices can also make advantage of this strategy. Situations where search engines see one thing while people perceive another, or when some users view the regular material, but others see a spam site, are referred to by Google as “sneaky redirection.” Don’t do it at all.

m) Negative Website Practices

Black hat SEO practices will result in penalties for dangerous websites as well. This comprises:

  • Modifying the way things behave on the website to manipulate people (so they end up somewhere different from where they intended)
  • Installing or promoting software that modifies ad behavior
  • Including malicious code, Trojans, or other undesirable programs while downloading software
  • Altering the homepage or search choices of users without their consent
  • You may report spammy activity to Google here if you see it online.

Other black hat SEO techniques that are known to be punished but aren’t officially included in Google’s rules include:

  • Private blog networks, where website owners shift search ranking to a single site by using their network of websites
  • By placing several bogus links on your competitors’ websites, negative SEO aims to punish them
  • Generating false rich snippets markup

2. White Hat SEO:

White hat SEO is a strategy that uses the right techniques such as link building and keyword optimization to rank your website higher in search engines. It is considered to be a safe and natural way of ranking your website higher on Google. White Hat SEO is a long-term strategy that helps you to build a good brand image for your business online. Here are some White Hat SEO highlights as well as indicators that you’re doing it right.

a) Prioritizes users:

The primary goal of using white hat SEO is to give appropriate information to the users about the product or service you’re offering. White Hat SEO focuses on building the trust of its users, which is why it’s considered safer than black hat SEO.

c) Create quality content:

Creating quality content is the main motto of white hat SEO. It focuses on giving accurate and useful information to users through its websites. If you are creating a blog for your website using white hat SEO, then you should remember that it’s not about getting traffic to your website, but it’s about giving relevant and useful information to the readers.

d) Build quality links:

An important part of white hat SEO is building quality links that help you to rank higher in search engines. It is a slow but reliable way to rank your website higher in search engines. White Hat SEO focuses on building links from relevant sources which are safe for your website.

If you are using duplicate or low-quality links, then it will get your site penalized by the search engines. The main motto of white hat SEO is not to inflate your page rank, but it wants you to focus on providing quality information and services to the users.

e) Follow the guidelines:

White hat SEO is a strategy that follows the guidelines of Google. It focuses on following the rules and regulations of Google to rank your website higher in search engines. It’s a slow but reliable way of ranking your website higher in search engines. White Hat SEO focuses more on providing quality information to the users while avoiding spammy techniques and black-hat SEO tactics.

A lot of businesses are unnecessarily worried about their website ranking in Google, but it is not necessary to be successful. But the key to success is following the rules and regulations of Google. To rank your website higher in Google, you have to follow the white hat SEO techniques. Black hat SEO doesn’t just ruin your domain name, it ruins your business’s reputation too.

f) Make strategic and organic keyword placements using keyword tools:

Keyword research is an important part of white hat SEO. You should make a list of appropriate keywords for your website, and then you can make your website rank higher in search engines by making strategic and organic keyword placements.

g) Make the user experience positive:

The goal of the white hat SEO approach is to improve the user experience. Giving users information about the good or service you’re delivering is one of the cornerstones of white hat SEO. White-hat SEO is thought to be safer than black-hat SEO since its main goal is to establish trust with your users. By providing a positive user experience, White Hat SEO promotes repeat visits from its users and places more of an emphasis on assisting readers in finding pertinent material on your websites than on driving traffic to them.

4. What are some advantages of White hat SEO over black hat SEO?


Advantages Of White Hat Seo Over Black Hat Seo

  1. White hat SEO techniques are safe and provide better long-term results as compared to black hat techniques.
  2. There is a higher chance of getting organic traffic as compared to black hat techniques.
  3. If your website is ranking well in search engine results, then you will have the ability to get quality leads, which will result in more conversions into sales.
  4. There are more chances of maintaining an organic ranking as compared to black hat techniques.
  5. White hat techniques are much safer and provide better results than black hat techniques.
  6. There is a higher chance of getting a high ranking in search engines as compared to black hat techniques.
  7. In White Hat vs Black Hat prefer white hat techniques because it is controlled by search engines, and you won’t get banned for using them.
  8. Many businesses use white hat techniques to get more leads and sales as compared to black hat techniques.
  9. Using white hat techniques won’t make your website go down.
  10. Using white hat techniques will create better and long-term results for your business.
  11. White hat techniques will make your website more trustworthy and genuine in the long run.
  12. White hat techniques are more effective for small businesses and personal websites.
  13. As compared to black hat techniques that create spam results, white hat techniques have a better chance of creating high-quality results.

5. Grey Hat SEO techniques

Grey Hat SEO techniques are those SEO techniques that are not against the rules of Google, but they don’t improve your website’s ranking, and they can be used to get your website penalized by the search engines. The bad part of grey hat SEO is that it uses unnatural practices such as keyword stuffing and backlinking.

Not quite accurate, but not entirely incorrect either… Certainly in the middle is grey hat SEO. “A method that is now either white or black hat but, with changes to the ways search engines function, might become the reverse in the future,” according to Search Engine Journal. Although there is no real damage in using Grey Hat SEO, it is advisable to exercise caution if you find yourself using specific tactics beyond their recommended limitations to improve your results.

This will help you from straying into Black Hat SEO territory. Some SEO specialists firmly believe in using both White Hat and Grey Hat techniques; they won’t take the chance of getting penalized if they only use White Hat. While really up to each user, caution should be exercised when doing so.

6. The Best Advice

Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO are not mutually exclusive. The best advice is to proceed cautiously if you find yourself straddling the border between acceptable and unacceptable behavior in terms of search engine standards. Consult the Webmaster Guidelines provided by Google or Bing to avoid penalties. If you’re unsure whether what you’re doing is legal, consider whether you would happily tell Google what you were up to. You should be able to avoid trouble by being sincere and trusting your intuition.

7. Takeaways

When performing SEO the “correct way,” there are several things to keep in mind. What you should remember moving forward regarding White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO is as follows:

a) Concentrate on the requirement

The balance is the secret to successful SEO. Your best bet is to focus on White Hat SEO and carefully analyze any Grey Hat strategies. You’re in the clear if you follow search engine standards and concentrate on the requirements of your users.

b) So, what you should do?

If you’re unsure whether you’re still using White Hat SEO techniques, consider whether you’d feel comfortable telling Google or Bing what you’re doing. It’s always preferable to be forward and honest.

8. Effects of using Black hat SEO versus White hat SEO

Black hat SEO may seem alluring due to its rapid results, but it might end in your site being blacklisted (de-indexed) or severely punished for using unethical techniques. Most people agree that the danger is not worth it for websites that want to be up for a very long time. Additionally, black hat SEO techniques only produce temporary effects. By utilizing ethical SEO methods, quality content, relevant keywords, and a variety of clever marketing strategies, white hat SEO may raise your website’s ranking over time.

a) Panda

The Panda update from Google rewards websites with high-quality content. Low-quality pages on the site had an impact on the ranking of the entire website after this algorithm upgrade, not just those particular pages.

b) Penguin

Google’s Penguin update was primarily designed to combat black hat SEO tactics that some website owners have been adopting to amass thousands of connections from “link farms.” The Penguin update punished thousands of similar websites. Webmasters were urged to take down malicious links that led to their websites. They were effective in doing so in certain instances, but websites sometimes have little control over who links to them.

c) Adverse SEO

Because you have no control over who connects to your website, it is conceivable for a rival to use link farms to direct “bad links” from low-quality websites to your website. Your search engine results may suffer if Google’s algorithms punished you for these links. Google does not offer a tool that enables webmasters to remove unfavorable links that connect to their website, but Bing does. Google has come under fire from some experts for allowing bad SEO to manipulate its algorithm.

9. What to Do If Google Penalizes Your Website?

What To Do If Google Penalizes Your Website

Steps to take if your website is penalized

If you have been using black hat SEO techniques for some time, you will eventually be penalized by Google.

The majority of penalties may be quickly removed by just according to the instructions provided in Google Search Console.

In extreme situations like link building, spamming, etc., some can be permanent.

When your website gets punished, follow these instructions.

a) Verify that a penalty has been imposed.

Most individuals assume that a Google update is to blame when they notice a decline in their ranks.

This may just be a Google core change, which can result in a sharp rise or fall in traffic and search volume.

Therefore, you should keep an eye on any changes and stay current with SEO news. After roughly a month, if nothing improves, it’s time to go on to the next phase.

b). Verify Google Search Console

The performance of your website may be greatly improved with the help of the Search Console.

Most warnings and reports that are generated by updates will be shown to you in the panel, along with instructions on how to correct them.

Simply follow the instructions and wait for the modifications to take effect.

c) If it can’t be fixed

Penalties come in two flavors: algorithmic and manual.

If an algorithmic update affects your website, the fix should eventually work. Manual sanctions, such as those for spam and link-related problems, however, can be permanent.

In terms of manual penalties, you may still verify these improvements with the search console, but ultimately Google is in charge.

The last thing you would want to do is create a new website with a new domain name if nothing else works out.


The distinctions between White Hat vs Black Hat SEO are now complete.

While both methods aim to rank your website, they employ completely different tactics to achieve that goal.

White-hat SEO guarantees stability, but black-hat SEO promises immediate results that are fleeting.

The most prosperous firms utilize white hat SEO in their search campaigns since the tactic emphasizes increasing the visibility of your website through high-quality content and natural link development.